Mubarak said of Israel: "I told them forget about a temporary solution and forget about temporary borders." The Egyptian President indicated that the moment for peace is now, saying "we cannot afford to waste more time because violence will increase."
"The two presidents agreed that time is of essence," said Presidential Spokesperson Ambassador Soliman Awaad in a press briefing after the White House visit. Referencing a multitude of previous peace plans, Mubarak told Obama more literature on peace was not needed, according to Awaad. President Mubarak asked the U.S. to "declare a plan to achieve peace in the Middle East" and encouraged President Obama not to start from scratch. The Egyptian Spokesperson said a move to final status talks on a Palestinian state will require risks and "courage from all parties."
During the White House meeting, President Mubarak said that full normalization with Israel will come when there is full peace. According to his spokesperson, President Mubarak indicated to the U.S. President that an Israeli moratorium on settlements, including natural growth, would be a positive step.
Awaad told U.S. and Egyptian media that Egypt is exerting all efforts to strike a deal to swap Israeli and Palestinian prisoners. "This could be part of confidence building measures between Israel and Arab states."
The two Presidents discussed a wide range of regional issues at today's meeting, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan and Somalia. In remarks after the meeting, President Obama thanked Egypt "for being an Arab country that has moved forward to try to strengthen Iraq as it emerges from a wartime footing and a transition to a more stable democracy" and called President Mubarak "a friend of the U.S." and a "leader in the region."
President Mubarak said Egypt supports the efforts of the United States to move towards finding a solution for peace in the Middle East and thanked President Obama "for all his efforts with regard to the Palestinian issue." Mubarak also said President Obama's address in Cairo in June had "removed all doubts about the United States and the Muslim world."
Source: Egyptian Press and Information Office
Published by Mike Hitchen,
Putting principles before profits
Egypt Israel Palestine Middle East Middle East Conflict Hosni_Mubarak Barack Obama Somalia Sudan
Lebanon Iraq Iran Pakistan Afghanistan
Putting principles before profits
Egypt Israel Palestine Middle East Middle East Conflict Hosni_Mubarak Barack Obama Somalia Sudan
Lebanon Iraq Iran Pakistan Afghanistan