Monday, March 02, 2009

Ukraine: Lithuania - Ukrainian membership to EU relies only on Ukraine"

Source: REGNUM

"Ukrainian membership to EU relies only on Ukraine and how quickly Kiev will reform the country to meet EU standards. Besides, Ukraine have to permanently tumble Europe with questions: “what we ought to do further”, said Audronius Azubalis, the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of Lithuanian Seim, while addressing the third Europe-Ukraine forum participants in Kiev on February, 27, reports a REGNUM correspondent.

“There are three big roblems in the Ukraine. I would qualify them as: demoralization, discredit and decentralization. The greatest treat is that EU membership expectations could fail in short run. And as consequence, there will rise a Euro-skepticism in Ukraine, — stressed Azubalis.- Besides, a high corruption level in the Ukraine remains one of the main problems.

It is not a secret, that that even investors from Lithuania leave the country, phasing down their activities, which discredits Ukraine in the international arena”, — added Azubalis. According to the Lithuanian politician, the “last gas crisis revealed, that there is something wrong with the Ukrainian policy. And it is impaired Ukrainian image, as a stable state. And the third threat is decentralization. I mean an active influence of other countries on the Ukrainian policy. Even more very obvious trends to divide Ukraine upon geographical principle”
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits