Monday, March 09, 2009

Bilateral trade: China blasts Argentina over protectionism

Xinhua reports China is deeply worried about the protectionist measures against Chinese products that the Argentine government has taken, a senior diplomat at the Chinese Embassy said in an interview published in La Nacion newspaper Sunday.

"These import measures are discriminatory," said Yang Shidi, economic and commercial counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Argentina.

The measures that Argentina has adopted since 2008 have affected many Chinese products and run contrary to the memorandum of understanding signed by China and Argentina in 2004, in which the Argentine side recognized China's market economy status, Yang said.

Argentina calculated the dumping margin for the Chinese products on the basis of the prices of a third country, he said.

He stressed that a World Trade Organization member must respect related rules and regulations while introducing measures to protect its own trade.
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits