Monday, February 16, 2009

Nepal: Nepalese Prime Minister tells followers to prepare for "final revolution" - whatever that may be

IRNA reports Nepalese Prime Minister and Maoist chief Prachanda has warned his political opponents against 'sabotaging' the peace process and asked party cadres to be prepared for the 'final revolution'.

As the 'reactionary forces' are trying to launch the final war, the revolutionaries should also be prepared for the final fight, Prachanda said while addressing the meeting of Maoist affiliated All Nepal Trade Union Federation (Revolutionary) in Kathmandu, Doordarshan news website reported.

"Another revolution is not very far away," he was quoted as saying.

Prachanda, however, did not elaborate what type of war he was talking about when he mentioned the revolution. His remarks came in the backdrop of the week long celebrations of the 14th anniversary of the Maoists' People's War.
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
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