Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ukraine: Ukraine hit by energy crisis - thousands left without heating

REGNUM News Agency reports "a large-scale disconnection of flats from central heating and hot water has started in Ukraine. In particular, as a REGNUM correspondent reports, energy company Lvovgaz cut off gas supplies because the city administration failed to deliver payments -resulting in half the city's buildings being left without heating, including 924 apartment blocks, 42 schools, 26 nurseries and 11 health facilities.

The situation is also poor in Kiev. Kyivenergo Co. has stopped hot-water supply because of the limited gas-supply. Buildings in the area are left without hot water; that in general is about five thousand of apartment blocks, nearly 500 schools and nurseries and 200 hospitals."
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits
This blog will be on holiday from Dec 15 2008 -Jan 12 2009!