Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nepal: Red Cross to send forensic experts to help probe Nepal's missing people

Pakistan daily The Daily Times reportsThe Red Cross said on Saturday it would help Nepal enhance its forensic skills to examine human remains in a probe into hundreds missing during a civil war, which ended two years ago.

Human rights groups accuse both government troops and the Maoist rebels of abuses such as killings, kidnappings and torture during the decade-long conflict, which caused more than 13,000 deaths. The Maoist-led coalition is yet to set up a panel to conduct the probe, even though this was agreed to as part of a 2006 peace deal.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said two forensic experts would teach Nepali officials, police and rights activists about exhumation procedures, analysis of human remains and the identification of mortal remains.
Published by Mike Hitchen, Mike Hitchen Consulting
Putting principles before profits
This blog will be on holiday from Dec 15 2008 -Jan 12 2009!