Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Human Trafficking: Profile of an Israeli trafficker

There is an interesting article in the Israeli publication Haaretz, written by Ruth Sinai. The article takes a look at a report entitled, "Another shipment from Tashkent - Outline of the Israeli Trafficker in Women."

Quote: Your typical Israeli human-trafficker is a 40-year-old man, originally from the Soviet Union, married, with one child, with no criminal record, and is an "asset" to the community. This is the portrait drawn by attorney Naomi Levenkorn, of the Hotline for Migrant Workers, in a ground-breaking report issued yesterday: "Another shipment from Tashkent - Outline of the Israeli Trafficker in Women."

The Hotline report is based on the case files of 325 traffickers brought to trial since 1992. These include their police interrogations, verdicts that have yet to be published, interviews with police officers and victims of trafficking, as well as the testimony of traffickers and lawyers who appeared before Meretz MK Zahava Gal-On's parliamentary committee on trafficking in women.

Full article: Report profiles sex traffickers by Ruth Sinai