Mystery of voting problems solved.
For those of you who are having difficulty voting for me - I have the answer.
The following was posted by Whatnext, to the Weblog Awards Forum
Hitchen's readers are exchanging information on how to vote more than once in 24 hours.
Mr. Hitchen hints that this is what is being done by others nominated for best individual blogger. This had been taken from the comments on the blog:
Michael said...
Hi Mike,
a friend just told me that it's possible to bump up votes on the individual blogger site by deleting the cookie before voting again
Mike Hitchen said...
Hi Michael.
I appreciate the thought, but to be honest, I would prefer no one did that.
This isn't just for me, but for the whole team, and I think it would be better to win fair and square, even if the others are doing it!
Michael said...
I appreciate your honesty Mike, which is as it should be, but the sad fact is that few play the game.
The main reason i posted was so that you could draw the organisers attention to the loophole hoping they can use a different method to prevent cheating.
Sunday, November 04, 2007 1:15:00 AM
Mike Hitchen said...
Hi Michael, I will do that. It does seem open to manipulation!
LOL, you have to love them don't you:)