Monday, November 05, 2007

Goodnight from Sydney: Nov 5 and a quiz

I thought I would leave you tonight with a quiz. This is a photograph of a block of luxury apartments in Sydney.

Which celebrity paid approx AUD$13 million (£5,73 million) for an apartment in this complex? I will give you some clues. The person -

* is not Australian
* does not sell wristbands
* became a celebrity through talent rather than being a suspect in a criminal investigation
* is very likeable
* is a household name. No, it's not 'im or 'er indoors, it doesn't have the word "bloody" in front of it.

I will give the answer at around the same time tomorrow night.

The first correct answer will receive a Team H pencil. If the winner happens to be a British PR guru and is not quite sure how to use a pencil, don't worry, I can tell you what to do with it.

Wherever you may be - be safe!