More than one hundred and fifty days have passed since little Madeleine McCann disappeared. A little girl whose plight has touched the hearts and lives of millions around the world. We feel for her, we cry for her, we hope like hell Maddy will miraculously reappear. The parents meanwhile hope this will all be over by Christmas.
One hundred and fifty days of lies, deceit, misleading statements and constant efforts by the parents and their motley-crew of cash-for-comment sycophants to undermine the efforts of those involved in looking for the daughter they deliberately betrayed, the child whose needs they consciously ignored. The little mite who had no one to rely on but two people who were determined that nothing was going to spoil their holiday, and who are now even more determined to avoid stains on their reputation and to avoid justice - even for the undeniable offence of neglect.
One hundred and fifty days - and what has their bizarre, obscene and insulting campaign achieved?
Portugal and Morocco vilified and blamed for the fate of the child that was legally and morally the responsibility of the parents. The British press portrayed a dignified and well presented Moroccan family as "gaudily dressed" and "impoverished" - a family who in a few days showed more dignity and integrity than any of the McCann or Healy families have demonstrated over nearly five months of deliberate and coordinated blame-shifting.
There is one thing the British can do well, and that is play the race card. "Scruffy Muslims "Gang of Moroccans" "Portuguese Imbeciles" and "gaudily dressed woman". When in trouble - blame it on the wogs, for truly that is the British way - and the UK media played it to the hilt.
Enter Tricky-Dicky Branson, the King of Sleaze, famous for a lifestyle that involves sex, drugs and rock and roll - and for being a good friend and associate of Gordon Brown - the man famous for having Gerry McCanns telephone number and occasionally for being Prime Minister of a country that has become a nation in which lies and hypocrisy are used to protect the chosen few at the expense of a little girls plight. I may not have McCann's telephone number - but at least I don't steal my speeches from American politicians.
Branson stepped forward to help the McCanns with their legal fees - thereby openly condoning child neglect. Sex, cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis and open support of child neglect - a fine role model for Britains young - the ones looked after by their parents. If this had happened in Florida, I wonder if Branson would have been quite so keen to viciously attack America and his American market?
I did not see Branson jet over to get down on his hands and knees and comb the scrubland around the resort for clues - but then again, neither did the parents. Only the Portuguese residents and Portuguese police did that. The McCanns just sat posing for photographs and interviews, leaving the viewer confused as to wether they were watching a damage control exercise or a promotional video for Cuddle Cats new CD, "I will survive".
Every sighting of Madeleine has been lauded as "credible" with those involved claiming to be "certain" it was "her". In fact, in some cases, the witnesses have been proved to be connected to the McCanns. Yet every single report proved fruitless.
At the same time, any evidence pointing towards the McCanns, is quickly dismissed with the now predictable package of recycled words and phrases that have become part of the English language. To give you an example of how stupid Team McCann now look to those used to more efficient and professional media environments, the Sydney Morning Herald introduced an article on the new citizen test with the word, "ludicrous" highlighted by quotation marks!
One hundred and fifty days of finger-pointing and slurs against others. If we believe everything Team McCann are spouting, there were more people in and around the holiday apartment or have kidnapped Madeleine, than in Tesco on a Saturday morning. Everyone seemed to know so much - but waited until months after to tell anyone. So much for an awareness campaign if even those involved appear to be ignorant of the relevance of such information.
The other day I was listening to Sydney radio, and the regular live telephone hook-up with a journalist in London, (a regular feature for years - not everything revolves around the McCanns). The journalist was talking about another topic and finished with the observation, "these days in Britain, nothing is as it appears".
That's why we are here. To pull the mask of deceit of this grotesque charade. I don't know what happened to Madeleine, but I do know that the McCanns failed to protect Maddy, they failed to give her security, they failed to give her the opportunity to grow up safely and happily without fear or danger.
They failed - and continue to fail Madeline in so many ways, yet they have succeeded in avoiding any official censure. They knew they would, "get by with a little help from their friends".
Madeleine had friends too I would imagine, though we never seem to hear from the parents of such friends or see too many photos of Madeleine with other children.
I don't know about you, but I would rather see a little girl's smiling, laughing face while she plays on a bouncy castle or on a swing, than on a tacky T shirt on an online-shop, or on a supermarket trolley.
Photographs in which Maddy is neither smiling nor laughing.