Have you ever stood in an underground railway station and been forewarned of the arrival of a train by the gust of air that's pushed ahead of it - well I feel that way about Clarence Mitchell. A man whose proven and demonstrated incompetence rides ahead of him everywhere he goes.
He is the man Gerry McCann chose to be the McCann family spruiker - a man who stands in the doorway of a bargain basement shop trying to flog the passing public a range of shoddy goods.
Mitchell has made many enemies in the British media and considering they are the vehicles he hopes will carry his tawdry message of innocence, it just goes to show the level of intelligence within the McCann family. Then again, we are talking about two people who deliberately chose to leave their children alone every night of their holiday, then feel hurt and surprised when they become the rightful target of cynicism and scorn.
According to Mitchell's cliché ridden sales message that sounded incredibly like a naughty schoolboy trying to explain to his mum why he has two dozen chocolate bars hidden under his bed, (yes folks, been there done that - but I was ten!) everything has an innocent explanation.
In that case, why did the woman who labours under the mistaken belief that she is a responsible mother, refuse to answer 40 valid questions that were put to her by Portuguese police - a police force desperately trying to find the truth about what happened to the daughter she betrayed, but are hampered by the constant interference of a network of religious, political, arse-coverers and publicity seeking celebrities.
Why were her answers considered unsatisfactory - even though she was warned in advance that she would be questioned. For Heaven's sake, couldn't the might of the British Brains Trust, get their heads together before hand to identify and address foreseeable questions? OK, don't answer that - I know the answer having spent time dealing with these Icons of Mediocrity in the past.
Perhaps Clarence could provide innocent explanations for a few other questions.
* Why did you say the McCanns are the victims of a heinous crime? Did you take the easy way out because you had as much difficulty remembering Madeleine's name as her father constantly does? After all, Madeleine is the only victim in all of this - the McCanns not only paved the way for their present situation, they provided and carried the paving stones as well.
* Why has evidence that until now has seldom been successfully challenged in court, suddenly become unreliable? We are not just talking about one source of evidence - but every damn thing that has been reported.
By your logic, half the prison population in the UK has been convicted on unreliable evidence. Are you going to step in and help them as well? Would protesting the innocence of some poor sod from Brixton be as beneficial to your career and status as the McCanns?
* Do you really believe that too many people will believe the explanations you have given so far? Never mind about poor bloody dogs and world renowned forensic labs being open to question - your explanations have as little credibility as the McCanns have demonstrated from the beginning. I am sure that if it came to trial, an aggressive, unbiased prosecutor would call on their own experts to shoot your excuses out of the water.
* Why is Russell O'Brien so allusive and running so scared? Why do the attacks on this blog increase when I mention him?
* Why do the McCanns have so many high level political and religious connections?
* What do the McCanns or the other members of the party know about these connections?
* What is the involvement of Alistair Clark, a good friend from University days and a diplomat close to Gordon Brown? The first call Gerry made on the night of the crime was to Alistair Clark. Who did Clark then contact?
* What sort of people are these ideal parents? They used the local priest at the start to show what 'devout Catholics' they were. He was useful - but when he had outlived his usefulness, they left with no thank yous or even good byes. They just ignored him. In exactly the same way they behaved towards Mark Warner staff at the Ocean Club. When they left, no thank yous or good byes
* What is the involvement of the Church and those involved in Church cover ups? In Day 25 of his blog, Gerry writes "The trip has been facilitated through Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor".
While Bishop of Arundel and Brighton, it was brought to Murphy-O’Connor's attention that a priest, Michael Hill, was a paedophile. Instead of reporting Hill to the police he apparently illegally covered up the crime and transferred Hill to Gatwick Airport chapel, where the Cardinal believed he would not be able to abuse children. In 1997, Hill was finally convicted as a paedophile and jailed for assaulting nine children. After three years in jail, Hill was given another five years for assaulting three other boys. In 2000, when O'Connor ascended to the status of Archbishop of Westminster, the case become known to the general public.
On a side note, the esteemed and ethical Cardinal can be seen in this video, which by coincidence is introduced by a David Payne.
* One last question. Given the long list of lies, contradictions, misleading statements, high-level interference, and the proven deliberate act of repeated premeditated negligence, why do you, the McCanns, their little band of supporters, and the UK media, find it so hard to comprehend what is to the rest of the world - the bleeding obvious - that the McCanns actions are open to scrutiny, suspicion and attack. They are the architects and builders of their own fate.
Photo: Taken at a street fair last Saturday. A local group staging "West Side Story"