Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Sunday, This is my, my, my, beautiful day, When you say, say, say, say that you love me, Oh, my, my, my it's a beautiful day, Birds are singing, you by my side - Let's take the public for a ride.
You can just imagine Clarence looking into the eyes of Gerry and Kate and singing that can't you? And why shouldn't he be pleased and expect the admiration of England's Two Sacred Cows - the lynch pins of the Mutual Protection Society, that spreads across Scotland and embraces the world of politics, sport and business.
The boys and girls of the British media have come out to play their game.
There was of course the now predictable sighting from a reliable source - who once again, was 100% certain. Why does everyone connected with Team McCann claim to be 100% certain all the time? Any Year 11, Sydney schoolkid studying communications skills in a state school, would tell you that overuse of such a phrase is guaranteed to give the impression that the messenger has bugger all else to back up their claims. It's the adult equivalent of, "Cross my heart and hope to die". It's almost - ludicrous!
Luckily we are not dealing with Year 11 schoolkids - we are dealing with the best Britain has to offer, so we don't have too much to worry about from a nation that for the last 50 years has been drowning in a sea of media and governmental mediocrity. The "Great" in Great Britain, has for many years been built on lies, deceit, media manipulation and cover-ups.
Until fairly recently the public bought the tawdry goods of men in nice suits - but not any more. They have been betrayed too often. They will question, they will dig, they will look to see what is really being sold. They will not take as gospel the views, opinions or sermons of the never-ending stream of former this, that's or the others, who now have vested in private organisations and are bought on to the stage to sell another bottle of snake oil to an increasingly cynical audience.
It is our right to question, examine and scrutinise - because it is the public who is being asked to buy, it is the public who have already paid. But more to the point, we are doing it because in all likelihood a little girl has paid the ultimate price - something that would never have happened if she had been born to parents who believe in protecting and isolating their children from foreseeable harm or injury.
The media off course have their own agendas so they belittle, discredit and discourage those who do what the media themselves should be doing. People like us do not believe in hiding demonstrated lies or idolising two people who deliberately deceive and who place their well established and well documented drinking habits above the needs of their children.
When the going gets tough - let's have a reported sighting of Madeleine. If the source is so reliable, and the McCanns are so keen to find the little girl they repeatedly abandoned, then why don't they put up or shut up - and stop sitting on their arses in Rothley? Oh yes - of course - so that they can cooperate with the police if needed. How silly of me. Pity they didn't cooperate by answering the questions put to them in Portugal. But then again, truth and integrity are as alien to the McCanns as responsible parenting.
I would however, like to thank the UK media. Today, they have succeeded in doing something I could not do nearly as well.
They have shown to the rest of the world, what I have known for decades.