I don't normally like to repost my articles but after the sordidness of the McCanns, their tacky families who in my area would be regarded as the human equivalent of lava lamps minus the intellectual stimulation, and the cheap journalism of Dominic Lawson, a man of dubious character and even more dubious agendas, I thought it would be nice to finish on a warm-hearted note. Thanks to Vera, for reminding me of this post.
Let me introduce you to Peter.
Peter is in his late seventies and so unassuming that if you passed him in the street, you probably wouldn't notice. Short and frail but with a smile that leaves even the most cynical in no doubt of its geniuses. He is a man who raises his hat when talking to you.
I have only talked to Peter a few times but each time I walked away with the feeling that I had talked to somebody special and incredibly sweet.
I saw him today, with his beloved wife Irena. Irena is a little younger than he and of a more imposing stature and nature. However, she is racked with pain and has difficulty walking. Almost dwarfed by his wife, and barely able to walk himself, (he "shuffles" along with small steps) Peter was by her side holding her arm with two hands, his grip a combination of strength (what little he has) and gentleness.
He spoke softly to her, gently encouraging Irena while calling her "dear," watching her all the time, scouring the pavement for seen and unseen obstacles.
I realised that I wasn't looking at an old man walking with his wife.
I was looking at something special. So special it had survived decades of ups and downs, arguments, and wars.
I was looking at Love giving strength and determination to a tired, frail and aging frame.
Wherever you may be - be safe