What has become known as "Team H" is in fact a large group of people bought together for one simple reason - to find the answer to what happened to a little girl one night in May.
We are here because we found no answers from more traditional sources. We sought help but received very little.
So we gathered here in a place where people felt safe to express their feelings, their sadness and their desire to find truth and justice for a vulnerable girl who was betrayed by her parents. Because whichever way you look at it, deliberately ignoring your responsibilities to innocent children who depend upon you for protection - is a betrayal that can not be disguised with excuses, lies, blame shifting or membership of a mutual protection society that may date back well beyond May 3.
Of course our stand poses a threat to those who do not share our views - and that leaves us open to the sort of attack we saw last night. Partly that was my fault. I never do things without a reason - though that may not always be apparent to even my supporters.
But they can not harm us - only we can harm ourselves. If they want to attack us - then let them. Do words on a screen from people who are trying and failing to defend something every man and his dog knows is so wrong, pose such a threat to us?
Of course not - only if we let them.
We have made our voices heard and respected by the power, wisdom and passion of our feelings. We have sang as one voice and we have been heard.
But sometimes, silence can be just as effective as singing out loud - and it annoys the crap out of those who resort to the only ineffective tactics they are familiar with!:)
You have followed me so far - follow me with this.
We will keep singing the hymns and the arias, but if needed, let me sing the rugby songs:) After all, it is me who has the reputation for being vulgar and obscene:)
Funny how some people find words that are commonly used in more effective media environments to be obscene - but defend the biggest obscenity of them all - the premeditated, wilful neglect of ones children.
Are people like that really worth the time of day? Nah.
Wherever you may be - be safe