I am sick and tired of Portugal being lambasted by the British press, just to cover the arses of a couple of tacky little individuals, who brought everything upon themselves and expect others to take the blame for their own selfish, stupidity. It's time to show the beauty of Portugal and the Portuguese people.
At least the Australian media made an attempt to show Portugal and the Portuguese police in a true light. The other night SBS had a brilliant segment that showed several sequences of smart looking PJ officers stopping cars, saluting drivers, searching and digging. They then cut immediately to "meanwhile" and showed Kate and Gerry granting an audience to the Pope. After detailing all their fund rasing events and awareness campaigns, they finished by saying that after 100 days, they are no nearer finding Madeleine.
My word what an interesting day. First of all I discover that Mike's Tapas Bar, had been invaded overnight by supporters of a couple of lager louts who show their true background more and more each day.
Wouldn't it be nice if the British media who are so keen to point to an Internet "hate campaign" against the McCanns, took a look at how the McCann supporters operate - supporters who admit they have been paid to harass those who speak out against the Two Sacred Cows, and invade legitimate forums frequented by those who refuse to resort to the same tactics as the pub-thugs.
Interestingly, one of the impostors was posting from the very same area as the McCanns decided to pollute with their unwanted, disrespectful presence. Who else but the McCanns would turn up for a church service in a devout Catholic country, looking like an advert for Mr and Mrs Oxfam Op Shop 2007.
Is it just me or are these two grubs looking more and more like Alf Garnett's daughter and husband? I guess it's their upbringing coming to the fore under times of stress - such as being asked the sort of questions they should have been asked from the time it was discovered they went out of their way to betray their daughter's love and trust.
If anyone from the UK media - or any media - want verifiable proof of pro-McCann harassment, I can produce it - which is a damn sight more than the British media have been able to do during their grotesque canonisation of two people who deserve any criticism cast their way.
If that wasn't bad enough, I then discovered Cuddle Cat had sent his mates after me! I should explain to new readers, this sort of thing is not new. In fact, I wrote a post about it exactly a year ago today, Aug 14 2006.
"Residents here know that people - especially children - lose things. If there is no way of identifying the owner, the lost item will be placed on a wall.I have seen little jackets, sweaters, shoes, socks and all sorts of toys left on a convenient wall to be claimed - hopefully - by their rightful owner. On one occasion a seat at the bus stop became a de-facto "lost and found" office, with a child's sweater left on the seat unmoved for three days.Mind you it seems children are not the only ones looked after. This morning I saw a pair of knickers left on top of one wall, and further along, a pair of stilettos. Not only are we friendly, we are obviously impetuous as well."
My apology for not responding to more comments today, and for the lack of any "solid" posts!
Wherever you may be - be safe