I don't quite know why, but for some reason when dealing this issue, I seem to think in song. Maybe it's just laziness or perhaps it is appropriate. Maybe that is why I feel like starting this post intended for the British media in the following way -
You who hide behind news-desks when the fast bullets fly (taken from Dylan - sort of!).
While myself and many bloggers have been pressing for answers and dodging the fast flying bullets of threats, obscenities and stand-over tactics, you have been hiding. We speak while you remain both silent and blind.
Recently a Portuguese newspaper published an article describing the events surrounding May 03, the night of Madeleine's alleged disappearance. I use the word "allege," not to cast doubt upon what is said to have happened, but because it is what any professional media person would do in such circumstances.
This is a concept you seem to have conveniently forgotten as you throw around words such as "snatched" "kidnapped" and "abducted" as easily as you threw away your professionalism and obligation to those who help pay your wages.
You can not fail to be aware of the article, yet I have seen no priority given to it in any mainstream media. It has been swept under the carpet in a ridiculously naive belief that by doing so, no one will know it exists.
Take a look at my blog. There are over 4,300 articles and a great percentage of those will contain phrases such as, "Local media reports" or "overseas media claim". No doubt you have used similar phrases yourself when it suits you - except in this instance.
In the past you have appealed to members of the public who know parties involved in a news story, to come forward with information. "Tell us what they are like and we will show you the money". This has not happened in the case of the McCanns.
Surely you can not be ignorant of the depth of feeling - not only in the new media, but in pubs, clubs, offices and workplaces up and down the land.
How can you ignore the countless backtracking and changing of stories of those directly involved in this tragedy? The British media has long had a world-wide reputation as being nothing more than gutter press. - the slightest hint of scandal and you will sniff it out and bleed it until it is dry. Don't let facts get in the way of a good story.
But not in this case. Team McCann asks the cardboard heroes of the British media, "have you any wool?" and with one voice you reply, "Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir" then you meekly allow them to pull it over your eyes.
Let's get down to the nitty gritty.
* Is there any suspicion that this is another Profumo affair?
* Why has Gordon Brown's involvement been largely played down?
* Has it escaped your notice that all this was happening as Portugal prepared to take over the helm of the EU?
* Has there been a directive given to keep quiet?
* If so, who issued the directive and why? Was it your editors? Your organisation's owners? Or has it come from an even higher authority?
* Why has there been no widespread coverage of the Portuguese article in the British media?
* Why are you ignoring an article that the British public have a right to have easily available access to?
* Why have you not enquired about reports of McCann family business interests overseas including property interests?
* Why are you allowing the public to continue donating to the infamous fund, without John and Jane Doe having access to information that may help them decide if the cause is genuine or worthy?
* Have you investigated rumours relating to "Maddy's Law"?
Do you believe the public are gullible? Do you really think that they believe that almost every reporter in the UK, suddenly decided all at the same time, that these questions are not worth perusing?
Has the word gone out to give the McCanns every possible assistance?
Why are two parents who constantly neglected their children allowed to go unquestioned and largely un-censured? Why have they been given access to high profile personalities and high profile assistance, previously denied to others in worse situiations than the McCanns?
Why am I asking these questions and not you?
The truth is out there? What price the truth ladies and gentlemen of the press? - what price the truth?