It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I will be taking a break. In fact, I will probably not post again until Monday evening Sydney time. Most of my readers at present are in the UK, and we are nine hours ahead of the UK. I always know because of the clock at Wimbledon! I will be around the PC, so please keep your emails coming - I will respond normally within 24 hours - usually sooner.
I will also try to sort out the problem that prevents me from responding to those who have been good enough to take the time to post responses and kind comments. Not being able to do so is driving me mad. I think I may have made a breakthrough, as I was able to actually view my own blog for the first time in days!
Tomorrow I will need to spend some time attending to my business - or as I prefer to call it, a non-profit making organisation! It's been put on hold for a while and I need to prod it along a little.
I have posted not one...not two...but THREE new photos to the photoblog - something I have been unable to do for a few days. A meerkat, a shop with - wait for it - a balloon! and my favourite river.
Many thanks for all the responses, (well over 400 now) and all the emails. I do have two more articles running around in my head, so I will continue where I left off.
I have been asked to publicly comment on the alleged extortion attempt on the McCanns. I have my opinions but will refrain from commenting until the matter has been resolved in the courts. I realise I may sometimes appear to be playing it safe, but even though I have never worked in the Australian media - or media in any country, I base my policy on Australian guidelines - which is why I use the word "alleged" so often!
I have also been asked if I can change my style of writing to make it more user-friendly for readers from non-English speaking backgrounds. I have thought about this, but I am not sure how I can. I don't actually write my articles - my thoughts head toward my fingertips and press-gang them into clicking a few keys. Sometimes they even click apostrophes and commas!
I do not know if anyone with the power to ask questions is listening - but they should. This is not a mainstream blog, just a two-penny-ha'penny blog run by one bloke - but a blog that seems to have attracted a lot of attention because the British public are angry and frustrated. The number of responses and depth of feeling proves that people are talking and asking questions. This issue will not fade away. The British media can not persist in sweeping it under the table. I hope to be one of the many trying to get the right people to ask the right questions.
I will also resume putting my own "appeal" to anyone with information on the bottom of selected posts.
Till tomorrow...
...wherever you may be - be safe
If you have not seen it already, (or maybe you would like to see it again) please see Excuse me - but you know something don't you? just please be careful not to respond in a manner that may force me to delete your comment!