Yesterday I mentioned that I will slowly get this blog back to its previous format and focus, and to those of you who responded and emailed with support and encouragement, I very much thank you.
I believe I have reached a stage where I have asked all that I wanted to ask, and all that I have desperately needed to ask. I have also said all that I *needed* to say.
For now!
I know that people now visit my blog to read about Madeleine. However, I don't want to write about this issue because I feel I should - but because I *know* I should. I don't want to have to say to myself, "What shall I write about Madeleine today?" Sure, I can do that with "Oil and Gas" and "International Relations" but Madeleine doesn't deserve that. There have been many things in Madeleine's life she hasn't deserved - I don't want to add one more.
I don't think I will go back to the old "ten-post per day" format. That lasted almost two years until I got tired of writing about the same men, in the same fine suits, saying the same fine words, while their "subject matter" die in the same way they always have.
I cover a range of topics and I try to be "neutral". If I present my own point-of-view, that is made clear. I am not anti-this or anti-that - I am anti-bullshit, and I don't care which damn side it comes from.
I want to be honest about the future of the blog too. When there are significantly more people reading my blog for it's original purpose than are reading it for news on Madeleine, I will restore the number of ads to its previous level of 12 or so ads. They will also be more prominently displayed.
I know some people do not like ads, but many of the articles I have carried I have had to pay for via subscriptions to media organisations. There are some media organisations that charge readers to view articles that are actually available for free on the web pages of mainstream media. I prefer not to work that way.
If any of you want to know how I choose the ads - I can tell you. I bet you think I conduct market research studies, gauge public reaction, carry out feasibility studies and needs-assessments.
Nope. I pick the ones I think look nice - especially if they have a bit of blue in them! I also like to carry ads from companies that make the blog look "classy". Look - I've told you before I am not very good at this!
Many of you have told me you are now reading the rest of the blog - and I love it! As well as news articles there are also many personal posts - many under the heading, "Goodnight from Sydney". Since about March however, such posts have not had that header. Many are personal anecdotes or based on my childhood in Wales.
I haven't deserted the Madeline McCann affair, there are many things going on in the background. There will be more posts on a regular basis - but at the right time and for the right reasons. I have a goal in mind - and sometimes to score a goal, you have to sit on the ball for a while.
Which reminds me. How could the, "Schhh - you know who" group play tennis so often? I always thought you needed balls for that.
OK, enough of this - on with the rest of the blog!