Bloody hell!
This used to be a one-man-and-his dog blog (I didn't realise how catchy that sounds until I read it back just now!) but not any more. One blog - many voices - all speaking as one.
Yes I have deleted posts, but nearly all have been at the request of posters who realised they made an error. One was deleted because although it supported our views, I considered it not quite suitable for a blog that caters for all age groups - and genders. Do you know hard it is to write a statement like that while trying to be politically correct!
I bet you are wondering what the heck the photo has to do with this issue.
If you enlarge the photo, you will notice it is taken from near the top of a hill. The word "hill"" is misleading. It goes way back and is so steep I have seen cars stall trying to climb it. This is the half-way mark on my late afternoon walks and I now reach the crest at sunset.
Each time I am struck by the palm trees silhouetted against a sky that looks like a kid has gone made with a colouring book and crayons.
You may notice a small sign. It says "No U Turn".
That sums up this blog and what we are doing.
I am going to have an early night, so...
...wherever you may be - be safe