Gerry, I have been thinking about your campaign. Don't me wrong - I am actually going to sympathise with you.
After all, planning and organising any campaign is highly time consuming. I bet it seems as though there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done - even then I would imagine at the end of the day, there are still matters outstanding. It's a tough job I know, and the last thing you want is damn interruptions.
May I ask a question?
Do your friends and family - the ones who support you - understand this concept? You repeatedly mention picking up and dropping off friends at the airport - don't they realise how time consuming that is? Don't they appreciate you are running a campaign to find your missing daughter?
They complained enough about the Portuguese police taking two hour lunches, (the police you have now discovered it is in your interests to support) yet they still expect you take time off to shuttle them back and forth like an unemployable medico practicing to be a future cab driver.
Bunch of selfish buggers if you ask me - I would have thought they could have afforded car hire, cabs or other means of transport instead of continuously imposing themselves upon you.
Gerry, I have to compliment you. I do like the latest post on your blog. Your new style of writing is quite commendable. I hardly recognised it in fact. Well done old chap.
I am also pleased that you state, "We also want to work closely with the media here in Portugal"
May I ask a question?
Would telling Sol journalists, "What do you think you are doing? Do you think you’re better than the Portuguese police? I’m going to forward your contact to PJ and you will have to explain yourselves" be one of the core skills involved in forming a friendly working relationship?
Now why doesn't it surprise me that so soon after the mass Internet distribution of the Sol article, "Pact of Silence" you state you wish to form an entente cordiale with the local media.
Perhaps in similar fashion to Paul, you have been converted on the road to the airport.