Gee Gerry, you are a cocky little bugger.
Behind that paper thin painted smile, lies the real Gerry McCann - patronising, dark, broody and arrogant almost to the point of being self-delusional about your own perceived invincibility. Take the other day for example - your blog entry relating to the return of your wallet.
Everything in that entry was deliberately designed to anger readers. The part about, "other important things" was the give away. You knew readers would react angrily and you sat there with a smug, self-satisfied smirk telling them, "I am Gerry McCann, and you can sneer, you can rant, you can rave - but you can't do a God damn thing. I'll get by with a little help from my friends".
Take a seat Gerry, let me tell you a few things. Yes, I know you have a degree and a piece of paper that tells others you are qualified to do one thing, but when it comes to life skills you are definitely a few prawns short of a barbie. I have never known anyone suffer so badly and so often, from communication foot-and-mouth disease.
Let me tell you about friends - to be more specific - friends in particular circles. Circles in which a friend is just someone they haven't yet betrayed.
Oh yes, they pat you on the back and offer support now. They will come and go to the Algarve. They will be with you all the way.
For now.
But what happens when you are no longer of use to those upon whom you now rely? When associating with you or supporting you becomes a liability. When it's every man, woman and dog for themselves. "We would like to help you old boy - but the thing is you see.."
They will cut you loose and feed you to the sharks - it has happened time and time again.
We all know who you think you are - so in terms you will understand - will your disciples betray and deny you when their own interests are threatened?
No? Can you be sure?
The dynamics are already changing. The mass publication of the Portuguese newspaper article relating to the Silence of The Rat Pact, will change the rules even more. Even the British press are beginning to slowly tune in to the voice of the people.
But that is not all.
When I sat down with a small or family business client, I needed to look at the whole picture. Every aspect of their lives had an impact on their businesses. We looked at foreseeable issues.Their family for instance
It has been reported that your wife is feeling the strain, although you make little or no mention of Kate's health on your blog, even though there may be those who are concerned for your wife. Yes, I know it may be a private matter - but that didn't stop you telling anyone within Cooee distance how you saved the life of a fellow passenger on your flight to London.
Will your marriage come under pressure too? It has happened many times before in such cases. What then Gerry?
The two families may be close now, but when a marriage breaks down, Families United often become Families At War. The blame game starts and accusations become a shuttlecock in a game of inter-family badminton - especially if there are more issues than just personal relationships at stake.
Another thing to consider. What will happen to the assets and to the now infamous fund? What about custody of the children? More often than not the courts are inclined to give custody to the mother. What will you be left with then?
I know you don't like to think ahead - or maybe just don't have the skills to do so - but try to step forward in time a few years. You may be in a shop, you may be conducting personal business and asked your name. The name will ring a bell with the other person - then it will come to them.
Once the hype has died down, will they remember Gerry McCann, the doting father - an example to all parents?
Or will they think "Oh yes - the guy who left his kids alone".