Gerry, I know you must think I have some sort of fetish about the world's most famous wallet, but in many ways this issue gets right to the core of this whole circus - your rapidly diminishing credibility.
Apart from the mysterious circumstances of the alleged theft, (alleged because it has never been proven in a court of law that a theft actually did occur - and I should remind you, that neither you nor the British media constitute a judge and jury) the sudden reappearance of your wallet is also shrouded in mystery.
A couple of days after I write an article about your wallet - wallah! I am so glad you or your team read this blog because on several occasions, steps have been taken to address issues raised on this blog.
Let's forget about your bizarre reaction relating to the photos of your daughter, let's focus on the alleged crime.
If someone had stolen my wallet containing treasured and irreplaceable photographs of a loved one, I would want to nail the bastard responsible. You have to admit Gerry, you don't give the perception of being a particularly kind or forgiving man - so why are you not pursuing this issue?
Both the envelope and the wallet would be covered in fingerprints. If the alleged thief was so damn clever that he/she managed to steal a wallet in broad daylight from an intelligent cardiologist from an eminent medical school, in a system that produces fine, upstanding citizens, the alleged felon is quite likely to have a previous record.
Perhaps your pick and choose Catholic faith, directs you to turn the other cheek. That's sweet - really tugs at my old heart strings. In that case, why were you such an ungracious bastard about the affair?
I can not recall a high profile "thank you," only dark sarcasm. Did the thought ever occur to you to say, "thank you" especially as you do not know for certain that the wallet was returned by the alleged thief. Have you ever heard of Good Samaritans? Could it be that some one found your wallet and returned it anonymously?
Not everyone wants to be in the limelight when they do a good act such as returning wallets or saving the lives of fellow airline passengers. Not everyone wants to cash in on the disappearance of Madeleine. A "thank you" would have been nice just in case you weren't the only person in the world to do a good deed.
Often when "treasured" items are stolen or lost and then returned, the grateful victim is photographed holding the prized item. Maybe I am wrong - but I don't recall seeing any photographs of you doing anything similar. If so, then it certainly did not receive such widespread coverage as the alleged theft.
Oh I know. You are camera and publicity shy.
Or perhaps you didn't want to be distracted from the task of planning a campaign that for the benefit of your family, undermined the efforts of parents wishing to protect their own children from distress - parents who actually accompany the most precious things in their lives on outings - and not just on photo opportunities.