"This morning got off to a bad start when we were called, even before the twins were awake, by a reputable press agency saying that a body had been found and asking if it was true. It is very disappointing that this person did not check out the source of this rumour before contacting our representatives. Such calls and rumours are distressing even though we know if it does not come through an official source not to place much emphasis on it."
You felt so strongly about this "distressing" phone call that you decided to make it the lead story in your daily entry. Considering the distress it obviously caused you and Kate, may I ask if you have lodged an official complaint with either (a) The news agency itself (b) The Press Complaints Commission.
Have your media advisers offered practical advice on how to avoid such issues? For example, "if you are being telephoned repeatedly and do not wish to speak to journalists, alter your answerphone message to say that only personal callers should leave a message as you are not speaking to any journalist." That is the advise given by the PCC. You could customise your message to direct journalists to contact your authorised representatives.
On June 09 2007, Portuguese newspaper Expresso/Unica reported, "There were journalists who approached the couple directly - and they didn’t even answer. To find anything out, the media representatives could go only one way: to leave a message on the spokesman’s cell phone. He only replied when there was an interest."
One would have thought that a journalist from a "reputable press agency" would have known this.
As you saw fit not to name the agency, all such agencies now come under suspicion. There is no reason why the agency could not be named - and in doing so you would not only add credibility to your story, but also prevent the spread of misleading information or rumours - we know you are not too keen on that sort of thing unless it suits your media strategy.
If you would like more information on how to deal with the press you could (a) Contact me and I will charge a bottle of Talisker (b) Have a word with Clarence who will charge God knows how much (c) Visit the Press Complaints Commission website for free assistance.
If the person you refer to is a "broadcasting journalist" the PCC can also offer advise on who to contact.
"The Portuguese police interviewed three of our friends again today, to clarify points in their initial statements. As most of you will know, there is a lot of misleading information being published, both in the press and on the internet, about the events leading up to Madeleine's disappearance and the criminal investigation. "
Yes there is. And a significant amount of it comes from you and your family. It is hard not to be misleading when so many contradictory statements are made by those involved in this issue. As for the press publishing misleading information, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Hells bells, the bounders are even saying you and Kate are responsible parents - a gross distortion of the truth.
"We would like to give more information, especially about inaccurate and hurtful reports, but cannot for fear of prejudicing any subsequent court proceedings."
The report that hurts me and millions and others, is the one you have not denied. You left your children alone.
You and the British media have already prejudiced any subsequent court proceedings by the constant use of words such as "abducted" and "snatched." But I am glad to see you are now choosing your words more carefully. Has it taken two months for good old Clarence to work this one out? or has something happened to make you change course almost overnight?
"Similarly a lot of people have asked to learn more about Madeleines likes and dislikes. This is information which we have been advised not to distribute publicly because of the risk of it being used in potential extortion attempts. The arrests recently in The Netherlands and Spain show that such information could be used negatively in the wrong hands."
In other words, a number of extortion attempts have already been made without the benefit of such information.
When were you given this advice? Was it before or after Kate made sure she was photographed everywhere she went with Cuddle Cat, constantly described as Madeleine's favourite toy? There are more photographs of Kate holding Cuddle Cat, than there are of her holding her daughter. Cuddle Cat went more places with Kate than Madeleine.
In the space of a very short time, Aunt Phil has had to issue a statement publicly defending herself, you have had to address issues regarding Madeleine's 'resume' on your blog, and there has been a noticeable change in the language used to describe the little mites disappearance.
Any reason?