Gerry, I hate to interrupt your dinner - I know you are grieving and suffering terribly after the tragic loss of a much treasured and irreplaceable cheese fondue set, but may I ask you a few questions? About your "Family Days".
If we take a look back at most of the 'photo opportunities' showing you enjoying a Family Day, they normally happened on the same day each week. Is it because that is the day the creche is closed?
I have a very reliable source who tells me the Mark Warner creche is closed for one day per week as it is 'change over' day? This is the day when families leave the resort and new ones arrive. It also allows the resort's nannies to have their one day off.
Is this correct? If it is, why not just come right out and say, the creche is closed today so we thought we would take the twins out to the beach/zoo etc.? Of course if you wanted to put a bit of the old "touchy-feely" stuff in to your damage control exercise, it would be desirable not to mention that fact.
Would I be right in saying that all Mark Warner resorts run on the same system - the creche is open 6 days per week. Open at 9am, collect kids at 12.00, drop them back at 2.00, and collect again at 5pm? In other words, all this coming and going to the creche is because you have to do this at certain times of the day.
Another thing. It has been widely reported and never denied, that you and Kate turned down offers of child supervision because you felt unhappy about leaving the children with strangers.
Is it not true the 'babysitters' are the nannies who work in the creche during the day, so the children will have got to know them during the holiday and would probably be pleased to see them in the evening?
Is it not also true the nannies are all English girls, trained to English childcare standards?
Perhaps you may wish to confirm or deny this information - if so, my blog is alway open to you to respond.
I have more questions for you later - about Madeleine - and about your profile on Friends Reunited, the profile you updated just 16 days after Madeleine's alleged abduction.
There I go again, using Australian media's favourite word - used until something has been actually proven. Despite what the spineless cub reporters of the British media may think, no abduction has been proven in a court of law, so I will just keep right on using it until it is.
There is a right way to do things - and there is the British media's way of doing things.
Footnote. The credit for most of this post must go to my source - one of many reliable sources who have contacted me with a welter of information regarding this issue. Please keep it coming, Gerry may not like information - I do.