Oh now this is a good one courtesy of Jill Young, who also seems to think that this blog has, "has inbuilt recognition of unfavorable posts." I do like the way "they" appear to send in the women to do their fighting.
Maybe they think I would be easier on a female. Maybe they hope I will make some suggestive or obscene comment they could use against me. Maybe they try to get me rattled - hoping I would be in such a rage, I would immediately fire off an unguarded response they could pull to pieces with a satisfied snigger.
Maybe they picked the wrong bloke.
I wont keep you in suspense any longer - I will skip straight to the good bit - you'll like this!
"One thing I am certain of is that the McCanns love Madeleine a lot more than your mother must have loved you....She must have have really disliked you for you to become the vile little man that you are."
Vile? This is a worrying development. Now they are using insults they can spell.
Come to think of it though - maybe she is right.
My mother did everything she could to get up my nose. Would she go down the pub or out dinner? Not on your Nelly. She stayed home just to spite me. Did she let me wander off to explore the world on my own? Nope, she would yell out, "where do you think you're going young man" and order - yes - order -- me back! I ask you - just how mean can you get? Not once did she leave me alone - that's how mean she was.
Just think, if she would have loved me the same way the McCanns love their children - who knows where I would be today.
I have to thank Jill for enlightening me. It seems loving a child doesn't mean not doing what you would dearly love to do. It doesn't mean saying, "I just know something is wrong" even when everyone else tells you not to worry. Love, according to Jill, doesn't mean going out of your way to protect your children no matter how inconvenient it is for you, or how much the kids may dislike it.
Nope - according to Jill, love is just a matter of saying, "Sod the kids - we're all right Jack" then letting everyone else pick up the pieces...
...while they pick up the thirty pieces of silver - the reward for betraying a child they brought in to the world.