Gerry, I've been thinking.
I run a small business - online consultancy. All my previous clients have been overseas - mostly in the UK and USA.
I have never had to travel to the US or UK to attend any meeting. I conduct face-to-face conferences without ever having to leave the room. As far as I am concerned, the client is sitting right opposite me. The relationship between myself and my client is not as "distant" or "remote" as one may think. In fact, it is usually the opposite.
I am not the only one who operates this way - so do many multi-national companies. In fact it is a very popular way to conduct business - except for the poor bloody support staff who also have to work behind if there is a large time difference.
Why do you operate Fortress McCann in Portugal - with a constant stream of vistors coming and going like some sort of Cliveden House, instead of the UK? After all, time difference is not a problem.
Yes, I realise yours is not a small business - in fact it's the biggest boom industry in Britain at the moment - but why can't you operate Madeleine McCann Enterprises from your home base in the UK?
It would save your family, friends and business associates travelling back and for, and you wouldn't have to travel to London and risk having your wallet stolen by an unseen thief in one of the busiest areas of London.
I could understand if you and Kate spent all your time scouring the Portuguese countryside looking for Madeleine, in the same way the parents of Holly and Jessica searched for their children - often to the point that they were so exhausted that police frequently ordered them to go home and rest.
Yes I know Gerry - you can't do that because you have to constantly drop off and pick up friends from the airport, have dinner with friends,organise pretty red balloons, yellow ribbons and record the Von McCann Family's Favourite Hits. I also realise that it is unlikely that Madeleine may be lying anywhere near a golf course or restaurant.
Incidentally, do you remember Holly and Jessica? Did you or Kate contribute to any fund to help find their children? The search virtually ruined the parents financially. Maybe you did. For all I know you may have set up an income protection scheme for them.
Maybe Holly and Jessica's police media liaison officer could help you. You know - the only advisor they were offered. No? No problem. I understand - you are quite happy with the horde of high-flying government advisors you have already. Some people have all the luck don't they hey Gerry? and it's amazing how much luck money and position can buy.
Anyway enough of that - I know you don't really want to hear about other people's children - sometimes you don't even want to hear about your own - especially if there is any information on where they may be.
Where were we? Oh yes. Why do you stay in Portugal?
For your regular meetings with the Portuguese police? That can be done by video conference. Video conferences are frequently used by police and courts in Australia.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you frequently mention that the British police are involved. Do you have frequent meeting with British police also? If so - where?
I can pick up my computer and operate my business anywhere in the world. I can leave Australia and return. OK, to be honest I can't because I don't have an up to date passport. But you do. You must have read the notices that are usually to be found in every hotel - "Don't leave valuables unattended."
Can you leave Portugal, Gerry? Can you live in Britain? Can you work in Britain again?
I wont bother you any more for now. It's a nice sunny, Sunday afternoon here in Sydney and I will take a nice walk down to a beautiful bay, sit on the end of an old wooden jetty - and think.
Readers have sent me a lot to think about.