In 1988, Sydney was shocked by the brutal murder of 20 year old Janine Balding. Now, two of Ms Balding's killers have been granted special leave to take their case to the High Court.
The Sydney Morning Herald reports, "The decision in effect quashes the pair's unsuccessful 1992 appeal against their convictions. The men, Matthew Elliott and "B", who was a juvenile at the time Ms Balding was raped and murdered in 1988 and therefore cannot be named, both lost their last appeal, as did the third killer, Stephen Jamieson, over his sentence." Would you like to know why they have been granted leave to appeal?
Because of a missing staple.
"Lawyers will argue the failure to staple the Crown indictment to the court file as required by law means the pair's case was never finalised".
Once more Janine's family will have to relive the trauma of their daughters murder.
All for the lack of a staple - and a lack of common sense.