Sunday, June 24, 2007

New format for posts about Kate and Gerry McCann

If you have been reading my blog, you may have noticed that the majority of previous posts have a "heading." For example, "International Relations: Iran and Iraq in talks."

I don't particularly want to use the McCanns name as a heading as it seems a little tacky, and there is enough McCann family created tackiness involved in this issue without adding any more.

I well recall an old British comedy series called "The Glums". I thought to myself that sounds kind of catchy, but the McCanns are not exactly glum so it isn't quite appropriate. I thought it through a bit more and based on positive feedback from readers, I think I have come up with an ideal heading.

In future all post relating to Gerry and Kate McCann, will be headed - "Life With The Grubs".


G: Darling, I have just had a whiz bang, blue sky idea from that little Aussie git.
K: Yes dear, what is it?
G: Let's do a TV series! If that rock singer chappie can do it - so can we!

K: We will talk about it after I have rehearsed this song for our new CD.
G: Of course darling - I will join you. One..two...three...

K&G: Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, till we find our dream...

K:That's beautiful Gerry, simply beautiful.
G:Yes darling - as long as other people do it and not us.