"Day 57 - 29/06/2007
Early rise this morning dropping off and picking up good friends from the airport. One of our friends from Amsterdam, who has been actively campaigning to publicise Madeleines disappearance, dropped in to see us for a couple of hours since he is on a golfing trip in the Algarve.
Our friends brought back my wallet which had been returned, needless to say minus the Sterling, although all my cards and €30 were still in it! It is good to have my driving license back and one or two other important things"
You know Gerry, there are so many elements in your entry that make it so inviting to respond, it almost reminds me of an old poem I learned in school. The one about the spider who made his web sound so inviting to the fly.
The Spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly Fly would soon come back again;
So he wove a subtle web in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready to dine upon the Fly.
Of course I could be wrong.
But so was the fly.