I am still unable to access the response box to answer or acknowledge those who have left comments. I am working with a couple of people to overcome this problem. I am up to date with answering emails, so if anyone wishes to email their comments as well, please do so. I am a little behind today, but I think I am now able to respond within 24 hours - usually sooner.
Again, many thanks to all those who have taken the time and trouble to contribute. The number of responses regarding this issue, now stands at three hundred and eighteen. For a blog that in the weeks prior to this was averaging 24 readers per day, I think that is some indication of the depth of feeling regarding this tragedy.
Many posters have been posting "Anonymously" and have apologised for doing so. I do not have any problem at all with that - your comments are as welcome as any other.
I would like to publicly address one contributor - a lady whose comment I received early this morning as I was heading to bed. It is the person whose "daughter was murdered 7 years ago in a foreign country"
Ever since I read your response, I have been thinking about the quiet, dignified way you expressed your feelings. I have worked online for nearly ten years and get a very good "feel" about online communications. Your response said much more than was visible. My heart and my thoughts go out to you. I wont say any more because that is not the way you would want it. But I do thank you for sharing it with myself and other readers. I wish you both well in your quest for justice.