The threats and abusive emails seem to have subsided, which is a bit if shame in a way because I had just bought myself a false beard and a snazzy pair of sunglasses.
I have been wondering just what "they" whoever "they" may be, (and please don't speculate on this) could possibly do to me.
Ruin my business perhaps? Heck, I did that myself long ago and made a far better job of it than "they" could. Take me for every penny I have? I can transfer it now and "they" can dash down the pub and yell at the barmaid "A pint of lager and a packet of crisps please love".
Maybe "they" could attack my "revenue earning" blog. Yep, apparently this is a revenue earning blog according to certain people, which is news to me. My advertising account balance with Commission Junction stands at $2:60 and that is for the period from February until yesterday. True, I did get a cheque from them for $36 in January - but it cost me $25 to bank! Look - I never claimed to be good at this!
Attack my family? Someone did tell me they know my children's names and where they are. That puzzled me a little as I don't have children and since medical treatment in my early 30s, I can't have any. I am single, never married and until recently had a fiancee - and no - I didn't leave her unattended.
Skeletons in the closet? I always operated on the theory that what's not hidden can't be used to against you to any great effect. Any skeletons are out there for all to see.
In other words "they" are up against someone who has absolutely nothing to lose - which must puzzle the hell out of "them" wondering what to do.
Oh I know - attack my mother? She is so busy playing 'Spyro The Dragon' she probably wouldn't notice anything. But if "they" were considering that option - just a word of warning. If you see her reach for the wooden spoon, take my advice and run like hell.
Damn - I knew I shouldn't have said that. My early childhood was spent in a British council house - she will probably have British social services crawling all over her now.
Says it all really doesn't it.