Due to the potential harmful impact to the environment and wildlife, a number of people have commented on the wisdom of the now notorious "balloon release" - which incidentally received virtually no coverage here due to under-whelming interest caused by over-whelming exposure to kitsch.
I couldn't help but think of the words of a song by Tom Lehrer. The song is about Werner Von Braun, the notorious German rocket developer.
"Once the rockets are up,
who cares where they come down,
That's not my department says Werner von Braun"
Of course the difference is, Gerry and his band of Sticky-Back-Plastic advisors are not exactly rocket scientists. Mind you, neither are my family - but at least they have never lost a child through stupidity crafted by selfishness.
If you have not seen it already, (or maybe you would like to see it again) please see Excuse me - but you know something don't you?