Hi Bev,
"I have read your blog with interest but unfortunately cant see anything new here, its just the same old rubbish churned out by the same type of people on the various forums in the UK. We all know the children shouldn't have been left, is there really anymore to be said on that subject."
Oh yes - a lot more. I tell you why, because if anyone else had left their children alone on a regular basis, the parents would have been faced with a hell of a lot more questions than are being asked now.
You state that my posts are the same old rubbish. Fine - you are as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. But would you mind taking the time to explain just why they are rubbish? It's usually more effective if you back up such a statement with valid reasons.
"As for the fund, admittedly some of the fund raising activities have been somewhat ill advised from what I can see but given that this type of campaign is the first of its kind I would expect some mistakes to be made, these people are not experts in fund raising or have the expertise that you may have in being able to see so clearly where they are going wrong."
For someone you claim are not experts, they sure learned pretty quickly. In any case, did they not have highly paid experts to provide such advice?
"I would also add that what you see as you so eloquently put it as the britsh media having no balls..."
Oh I do admire your attempt at sarcasm. I can assure you my dear, that "balls" is far more eloquent than many of the words used by supporters of the couple. Take a look at "Masts" on my photoblog.
"although the non McCann supporters seem to think they are in the majority the truth is they arent,"
Do you have any statistics to back up your claim? It's not that I am being pedantic, it's just that if you are unable to provide figures to prove what you say is correct, that would put you in the class of, "McCann supporters who seem to think they are in the majority" Is it another case of one law for the McCanns, and one law for others?
"talking of the media I have wondered if some of these people like you are indeed failed journalists"
I have never been a journalist, let alone a failed one. My work history is quite easy to find, so may I respectfully suggest you stop working with assumptions and start working with facts.
"perhaps think if they stand out they may be offered a position by one of these eunuch newspapers"
If they do, could you tell me what number bus I can catch from Sydney to the headquarters of The Mirror each day? Do you think they would mind if I knocked off a bit early so I can be home in time for The Bill?
Oh, as you were so keen to adopt sarcasm to describe my writing style, here are a few .............. and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for you. Feel free to use them if you wish.