Gerry, I have been thinking.
Maybe I was wrong.
Maybe that whizz-bang, blue-sky idea of yours to release balloons all over the world, wasn't such a bad idea after all. In fact, I think balloons would be a great idea - symbolic of your tireless search tramping around the dinner tables of the world looking for your daughter.
The thing is Gerry - you used the wrong sort of balloon. What you should have done is aim bigger and higher. I am talking balloons with baskets here Gerry. You know the sort of thing I mean - the ones you see at air-shows that take people for a ride and are full of hot-air.
Yep. Now that's what I call symbolic.
If you have not seen it already, (or maybe you would like to see it again) please see Excuse me - but you know something don't you? just please be careful not to respond in a manner that may force me to delete your comment!