Since I started my late afternoon walks I have noticed a rather surprising phenomenon. Dogs seem to like me.
I am not sure why as until now I had no interest in dogs whatsoever. As far as I was concerned dogs belonged either on a farm or in chicken curry from the local Chinese takeaway. I was definitely not a doggie person.
However, I have now become used to dogs rushing up and jumping on my leg, or if sitting, even jumping on to my lap. I even know some of their names! Those little white terriers are the keenest. I have no idea what they are called, but they look like they have been specially made for TV ads involving a cute little kid with the obligatory missing front tooth.
Not only do they like me - they also appear to have fashion sense.
Winter is closing in on Sydney and by 5:30 pm it is now dark. My walk home involves parks, main roads and roads that are unlit, so I try to wear clothing that shows up in the dark - especially with Sydney's selfish, inconsiderate cyclists, who speed along the footpath with no lights. Today I chose to wear a pair of white jeans made by a well known and fashionable Australian outfitters.
As I was walking through a park, two little white terriers broke away from their owner and came dashing towards me. They were quite a distance from my legs, so the owner had time to shout out, "Come back boys". Boys being boys, they took no notice of her and continued to make a bee-line for my weary limbs. "Come back" she beseeched once more but to no avail. The dogs had obliviously been swimming in the bay, and seeing my white jeans she called out in panic, "Not on his R.M. Williams!!"
Well I'll be buggered. They stopped, and headed back to their rightful owner.
Maybe next time I go shopping for clothes, I will take a little white dog with me. One woof if they approve of my choice, two if they don't. And if it's anything by Versace, they will piddle all over it.