These days I even buy several identical pairs so I don't have to go searching around for a sock's missing mate. Lazy and boring I know - but practical!
Yesterday I bought myself a new supply - with non elastic tops. Ah, luxury!
When I opened the packets, I noticed that the socks were marked 'left' and 'right'.
I have been wearing socks for a hell of a long time and not once have I seen socks marked that way. Nor did I know that socks came in left and right. I just put the damn things on depending on which one I pick up first.
Maybe it's just me, but supposing I was lucky enough to meet a beautiful, sophisticated lady who invited me back to her place for coffee. "Relax" she tells me, "Kick off your shoes and unwind"
Then I sit there with "left" and "right" marked on my socks - in big letters!