David Hicks, the Australian held captive in Guantanamo Bay for over five years, has finally had in his day in court - or rather what passes for a court in the America of George W. Bush and his cronies.
Hicks admitted training with al-Qaeda, fighting with the Taliban and that a friend of his believed he had approved of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. It's nice to know that in the land of freedom and justice, hearsay evidence is admissible as long as it suits the authorities. Note the word, "believed".
Under a complicated plea bargain deal, Hicks received an incredibly lenient sentence which will see him returned to Australia. He will be released at the end of the year.
After five and a half years in America's concentration camp, he receives a lighter sentence than he would if he had pinched a couple of Mars bars from Wal-Mart. In other words, after all that time and after intense investigation and interrogation - the U.S authorities had little or no solid evidence against him - only his own admission.
Let's take a look at his admission shall we. It's best summed up by one Australian media analyst who said that if he had spent five years in that hell-hole, he would have admitted assassinating Kennedy if it meant he was sent back home.
Of course, the right-wingers have been brandishing his admission like a war trophy. "We were right all the time," they proclaim in their ignorant, self-righteousness. Yet when a kidnapped American, Briton or Australian makes a confession or a public apology, the very same people declare it was gained under torture and duress.
The plea bargain includes a ban on Hicks speaking to the media for one year, and a very interesting clause under which he agreed to say that he had "never been illegally treated by any persons in the control or custody of the United States".
Oh I get it. Freedom of speech - available to approved applicants only, terms and conditions apply. For further details contact 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
There is hardly an intelligent person in Australia who doesn't believe he has been mistreated - and these are people who like myself, have very little time for David Hicks.
In the eyes of many Australians, David Hicks became a symbol of, (a) what is wrong in present day America, (b) what is wrong with the Australian government and its blind devotion to a foreign government that few Australians trust, respect or have confidence in.
Hicks was denied normal justice, denied his rights, and faced no charges for over five years, (even then the prosecutor admitted on Sydney radio that legislation had been changed to fit what information they had about Hicks). Every thing possible was done to ensure that Hicks would be found guilty and convicted.
There is one last question that intrigues me. Why did the American prosecutor thank John Howard and the Australian government for their assistance and support?
It is also interesting that with heightened public anger over the treatment of David Hicks, he is suddenly charged and on his way home - in an Australian election year. An election that George Bush's old friend and ally, faces an uphill battle to win.
Australians may be easy going, we may also be laid back - but we are far from stupid or gullible - a fact many politicians in both countries seem to ignore.
Oh just for the record, I have said many times on this blog that I actually like John Howard and support most of his policies. However, that doesn't mean I have to support ALL his policies. I may be a Liberal (Liberal here is the conservative party) but more than that - I am me.