The Australian government's plan to spend $90 million to put chaplains in schools has been overwhelmingly rejected by parents and school principal. Both have branded the program as unsuitable and a waste of money.
The National School Chaplaincy Program would enable public and private schools to apply for annual grants of $20,000 to fund religious services.
Church groups who can spot a good money spinner when they see one are keen for schools to adopt the program but the Public School Principals Forum (PSPF) will tell its members not to apply for a chaplain.
The Sun Herald quotes PSPF deputy chairman Brian Chudleigh as saying, "It's totally inappropriate," and "It's a gross misdirection and waste of funds. It's a classic example of a Federal Government out of touch with what state schools nationwide and their communities want and need."
The Herald also quotes Dianne Giblin from the Federation of Parents & Citizens Associations NSW, who summed up the feeling of most people. "We are not supporting chaplains in schools. It is not the Government's responsibility to fund religion. That is the role of the church."
Thank God for common sense. Churches are for religion, schools are for education.