As mentioned the other day, for a short while the full "ten-post blog" will only be published every other day. In the meantime, a photo and a "personal" post.
I didn't have too many toys when I was a kid back in Wales - certainly not as many as my peers - but what I did have, I not only cherished but remember to this day.
Many of my toys were influenced by American culture, such as the black and white police car that took pride of place in my "fleet" of cars, and the "Man From U.N.C.L.E." Identity Card. But my pride and joys were a US Cavalry uniform, and a wooden fort - Fort Laramie.
I recall watching a western movie in which the dastardly "injuns" raided a homestead and captured the women-folk. When it had finished, I donned my uniform, put on my gun holster, grabbed a white and silver rifle, and strode into the back garden to confront the Red Skins that were coming over the lady next door's hedge to kidnap my mum.
"Prepare to go to the Happy Hunting Ground" I shouted. These days I would yell, "She's in the kitchen - second door on the left"!
Looking back it seems I was well armed in those days. In addition to the above arsenal, I can remember cowboy pistols, a private detective's gun, a spud gun and a German Luger. The Luger didn't really go down well with the locals as my mum came from Vienna, and so did Hitler. Therefore it stood to reason that she was personally involved in planning the Holocaust, invading Poland and bombing the fish and chip shop down the road.
I also had a "William Tell Crossbow" a "Robin Hood Bow and Arrow" a wooden sword and a rubber knife. Naturally I would only kill the bad guys. As my definition of "bad guys"
fitted with those who "knew better" (basically because kids then were told what to think by those who allegedly "knew better") it was all perfectly acceptable. "Richard The Lionheart" was a popular TV series back then, and I dread to think what would have happened if I would have shown sympathy towards Saladin instead of the Christian Crusaders. After all, only Christians were allowed to force their religion upon others. Not much has changed when you come to think about it.
It was bad enough when I started sticking up for the Red Indians in the playground. "What's the matter with you? Is your mum a squaw as well as a Nazi?" I think some of my peers grew up to work in Sydney radio.
Some of my best toys I made myself. Rockets made from washing up liquid bottles for example. I also made a submarine out of an elongated cardboard box. I had a piece of hose sticking out of the top so I could breath, and an old raincoat on the bottom as waterproofing. Yes, I know that meant only the bottom was waterproofed but I was only seven - give me a break will ya!
It took two weekends to make, and my efforts came to nought. My dreams of being a submarine Captain fell apart when I loaded it onto a toy wheelbarrow and casually told my parents I was going down to the river.
They obviously had little faith in my ability to design and build a submarine, and absolutely forbade me to do so. They had greater faith in my ability to be a crafty little bugger, and dad locked it in the coalhouse, only allowing me to play with it on the garden path.
There were also games - Ludo; Snakes and Ladders; Tiddly-winks - and Monopoly.
I loved playing Monopoly and could be totally ruthless. I remember there was a time when my parents employed a babysitter - a nineteen year old called Angela. Gawd she seemed old at the time!. One day we were playing Monopoly and I was losing. In fact - she was slaughtering me. So I decided to destroy the opposition! I picked up the board and threw it across the room. I looked at her with a satisfied "Get out of that one babe" smile on my face. She grabbed hold of me and put me over her knee.
That was the only time I ever got hit as a kid, (apart from school and that doesn't count because that was "them" and "us" warfare). The lesson stayed with me. If you are going to bone somebody - don't be so damn obvious and make sure you cover your arse! Of course I lodged a complaint with higher authorities - but all I got was, "serves you right."
The next time Angela and I played, I had her bankrupt in no time at all. "Revenge is Mine Sayeth The Brat"
Tomorrow I will be heading into the city with my camera. The new Queen Mary will be in Sydney and so too will the QE2. Till next time...
...wherever you may be - be safe!