President General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan is the latest expert to come out with the "key" to tackling poverty.
He said his government is making efforts to tackle unemployment and poverty by accelerating the process of industrialisation in Pakistan, saying that "The public sector should formulate policies and facilitate the private sector in strengthening the industrial base".
He made his comments after inaugurating the Sundar Industrial Estate, developed over an area of 1,600 acres of land about 25 kilometres from Lahore.
Musharraf said that Pakistan had become an attractive destination for foreign investment due to the government’s incentives to investors, adding that cheap skilled labour was one of the major attractions for foreign investors.
So many leaders with so many keys to beating poverty.
Yet according to James Morris, World Food Programme Executive Director, 18,000 children die of hunger each day. Apart from maybe their family - if they are lucky to have one - no one knows their names.
They don't go into rehab, the don't die in Mount Sinai Hospital.
They just curl up and die. Alone, forgotten. Just one more digit to add official statistics.
But don't worry kids, everyone from Bob "I still call Africa My Meal Ticket" Geldof, to the President of Pakistan, are lining up with keys to defeat poverty.