If you stop and think about it, it's a sad world we live in. A world where common sense has been ushered out of the door by those who take it upon themselves to look after the interests of others.
Take tonight's photograph for instance.
I was standing on a rock on the banks of the Lane Cove River, when I saw this speedboat towing a dinghy behind it. It was quite some distance from me and even with a 12x optical zoom lens, I couldn't make out the fine detail in the electronic viewfinder. "Why didn't you use the flashy pull-out, rotating LCD display?" I hear you ask. Because it's almost impossible to see the bloody thing in anything except a pitch-black room!
Back to the picture. I came home, downloaded the photos and took a look. For some reason, I had assumed everyone in the scene were adults. On the full sized version I could clearly see there were two kids in the picture.
In a world where schools have banned parents from taking photographs at school concerts or school events, I suddenly felt like a dirty old man in a rain coat, standing outside a school gate with a bag of lollies in my hand.
Maybe that's an exaggeration but it did make me feel uncomfortable.
The ironic thing is, I guess I am just as bad as those I complain about. As I left the reserve I found myself aghast at the mindset of a mother, who was walking along the footpath with her daughter who appeared to be about 12. The girl was dressed only in a loose shirt and knickers.
Oh hang on a minute - I am not as bad as those I complain about. I forgot those two words that have been outlawed by Adult Play School Graduates, who set themselves up as Guardians of Political Correctness.
Common sense.
Wherever you may be - be safe!