This is an update for those of you who were kind enough to respond my post about "that damn bridge".
This afternoon I thought I would have another attempt at crossing it. This time though, I decided to use psychology!
First of all, I dressed for the occasion - I put on my blue Levis and a white, round necked T shirt. My imagination told me they made me look like Marlon Brando or Steve McQueen, but the mirror told me they made me look a middle-aged rebel without his teeth. But appearances are beside the point - it's the psychology that counts!
As I approached the bridge I psyched myself up. I started by humming that tune they used in "Stripes" - the old "Doo-wha-diddy" song. I told myself that I was doing this for God, Queen and Country. That didn't work because I don't believe in the first two. I did try throwing in, "For God, Halliburton and Country" but that just made we want to throw up.
In the end I settled for, "I come from a land from down under, where women glow and men thunder". I like that - now that's what I call "macho" - a song with balls.
Before long, I was standing at the foot of the bridge. If looks could kill, mine would have had the bridge tumbling down like the walls of Jericho or a Turkish apartment block.
I thought of all those who responded to my original post. I thought of Mel and my great friend Jenny urging me on. In my mind they were all standing there patting me on the back, urging me on - "Go on big boy, you can beat it" They probably wouldn't have said "big boy" but I needed all the psychological help I could get.
I gave the bridge a final glare, and without looking back, stepped into the fray.
On my way up I told myself, "This is easy"
I told myself, "I can do this".
I told myself, "You're almost at the top - just a few more steps for man and you will have done it"
I told myself, "It's all right Mike. The bridge was built by hard working, conscientious, competent, Australian workmen."
And I was doing so well until then!
Wherever you may be - be safe!
On a serious note, I think I can see part of the problem. The steps are not solid.