You are probably asking yourself two questions. (1) Why is he posting a rather uninspiring photograph of a footbridge? (2) Why am I reading this bloody blog in the first place.
I can answer the first one for you, the second you will need to ask your analyst.
I hate this bridge.
Let me rephrase that.
I bloody hate this goddam-son-of-a-bitch bridge. Why?
Because I can not cross it.
For some reason, I only manage to get half-way up the steps before panic sets in. At present, it is the only thing that scares me or manages to beat me. True, I am scared of heights but I am getting better. I can cross other similar footbridges without any problem. I can even walk along rugged bush tracks with a good sized drop on one side of the path. But I can not cross this bridge.
Once I nearly made it to the top, but had to almost crawl back down clinging desperately to the railings.
I have even tried psychology by pretending Mel was with me and I was showing her how tough and brave I am by crossing the bridge. As much as I love her, her soft southern accent telling me I can do it, was no inspiration. My not so soft Aussie accent told her - "sod this for a game of tin soldiers darling".
The good thing is I don't actually have to cross it - there is a pedestrian crossing a little further down. But I have been told it has some great views.
Correction - I do have to cross it because otherwise it will have won.
I will definitely try it again. Some day.
Wherever you may be - be safe!