My late afternoon walk today took me deep into wild bushland. So remote is this area that the nearest habitation is about 10 yards away.
Occasionally you can hear the sounds of civilisation coming from primitive three story, six bedroom dwellings.
"Mum, mum - Jason hit me. Whaaah."..."Well hit him back dear"..."Mum, mum - Sarah hit me. Whaah."
I ventured deeper into the wilderness, taking care each step of the perilous way. In this terrain it can be easy to trip over hazards such as an empty lemonade bottle or discarded can of Bourbon and Coke.
My ears pricked for danger, I heard the sound of a rapidly approaching animal. One of the village elders appeared to be in hot pursuit and her cries shattered the eerie silence. "Here Chester, come here boy. There's a good boy, yes you are aren't you".
Then I heard it - a rustling away to my left. I stood ramrod still, sweat dripping from my brow as I saw the monster right in front of me - known locally as, "one-ov-em-slimy-little-buggers". Crikey, just look at those powerful leg muscles and his piercing eyes laden with menace. One swipe with those vicious claws, and you'd be a gonner I reckon.
Being a wildlife warrior, I did what wildlife warriors do best. I disturbed his natural routine and chased the terrified animal around his territory before cornering him and wrestling him to the ground. He put up a hell of a fight, but I soon managed to subdue him. I didn't like the photos I took, so I repeated the chase and wrestle several times before getting the shots I wanted - that's what we wildlife warriors do.
In the end I decided to leave him alone instead of transporting him hundreds of miles to a strange environment. then stripping him of all dignity by throwing him bits of food in front of 5,000 paying bottoms on seats.
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not cut out to be a wildlife warrior. It's the thought of something happening to me and having John Williamson sing, "True Blue" at my staged for American television memorial service, that scares the crap out of me!
Wherever you may be - be safe
Note: In reality, the little lizard is far smaller than the impression given in the photo. I come across loads of these, not only on my bushwalks but also along the street where I live. Normally they scamper away pretty quickly, but this little fellow was quite content to sit there while I stood and watched.