"At present moment Georgia does not need additional energy import, particularly from Armenia, a REGNUM correspondent is told at Electricity System Commercial Operator (ESCO) commenting on reports released by Russian media that the Georgian side did not confirm its application concerning purchasing electric power from Armenia made in the end of 2006.
According to ESCO, at present time, Georgia imports electric power mostly from Turkey to provide energy for Ajaria at the amount of 1.5 mln kwh in exchange. Insignificant amounts of electric energy, 100-200 thousand kwh are imported from Azerbaijan, only to provide for normal functioning of two energy systems of the two countries in a parallel regime. The rest of energy needed Georgia received from domestic reserves.
As for the Georgian application for receiving electric energy from Armenia, the matter concerned import of Iranian instead of Armenian energy, as Russian media reported. The Iranian energy was supposed to be received by Georgia in transit via Armenia, also in exchange; the matter concerned amounts lower than it was mentioned in the media. However, as Georgia experiences no deficit, the scheme, at least yet, has not been applied."