He said enemies of Islam particularly the US and Israeli, are working hard to incite the conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, adding "the only way to foil the satanic plot is strengthening unity among Muslim nations".
According to the official IRNA, Haddad-Adel pointed to the flourishing of Islam in Sudan as a great nation in Africa and said that enemies of Islam have targeted Sudan for being an Islamic nation.
The Sudanese minister, said that the Islamic Revolution under leadership of the late Imam Khomeini was the greatest event of the century in the Islamic history, because it opened the way for unity between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
He then referred to the West and Zionists' propaganda against Iran's peaceful nuclear program and said that Sudan supports Iranians' right in this respect, and the world Muslims are well aware of the West's hue and cry against Iran's nuclear program.
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