Monday, July 17, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney - Post 3001

Tonight's photo: I call this, "Caged Beauty." It's one of those photo's that appeal to me, even though there appears to be no logical or artistic reason for it to do so!

If you have read the post below you will know that the blog has now passed the three thousand post mark. My "Flags" folder has 130 different flags in it ready to accompany each post. This means that at least 130 different countries have been featured.

I would like to thank all my regular readers for their support, encouragement and kind comments. I would also like to thank those who left negative comments - but they can get stuffed!

A special thanks is extended to three people. My fiancee Mel, my great friend Jenny, and the much missed Lorraine. All three have not only supported the blog, but also everything I have done since they have known me.

I will later raise a glass to the next 3,000 posts!

Wherever you may be - be safe!