Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Katrina Aid: Qatar decides on distribution of aid to Katrina victims

Qatar has decided on the distribution of about $60 million of a $100 million gift announced last September for victims of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

* $22 million will go to Habitat for Humanity to build 293 homes in the three states

* $12.5 million to expand the facilities of Xavier University's college of pharmacy

* $10 million for scholarships at Tulane University for students who are Katrina victims

* $5 million for scholarships for Katrina victims at Xavier University

* $3.3 million for a student relief fund at Louisiana State University.

Mike Holtzman, a spokesman for the Qatar embassy, also said that $5 million will be used to establish a Qatar Cares fund at Chidren's hospital in New Orleans; another $351,651 for repair and renovation of clinics at the hospital; and $3 million for the March of Dimes to purchase and equip vans.

The rest of the pledged contributions from Qatar will be committed in the next several weeks in consultation with an advisory committee, that includes former Secretary of State James Baker III.