Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Training - Training small groups - Facilitating learning

To facilitate learning a trainer needs to be able to understand the learner and use various strategies and techniques to guide them toward the required objectives. As a trainer you will need to manage the training session and create an environment that will encourage learning.

There are a number of strategies and techniques you can use to facilitate learning.

Active listening

As a trainer it is important that you speak clearly and listen actively. By actively listening to participants you will be able to judge how well your training session is being received. Listening to participant's comments and questions will also give you a good idea of how well the information is being understood.

Targeted questioning

Asking specific questions during a training session will help participants understand the material you are presenting. Questions allow for the opportunity for participants to become involved, reinforce points and practice the information so that it will be more likely to be remembered.

Points of clarification

Participants need to absorb a lot of new information during a training session and sometimes this can be overwhelming. When training participants in anything new it is important to clarify each step as you go and allow time for questions and feedback. This will ensure that participants understand the material and that you only move on when they are comfortable.

Group discussions

Group discussions provide the opportunity for participants to exchange ideas and information. To facilitate group discussions you need to ensure that the group stays on topic and that all participants have a turn at expressing their ideas.

Tomorrow: Effective questioning

Future topics: Difficulties with asking questions; Providing opportunities for practice; Encouraging participants and providing feedback

Previous topics:
Training - Training small groups - What makes an effective trainer
Training - Training small groups - The role of the trainer
Training - Training small groups - The training environment

Training - Training small groups - Identifying training needs
Training - Training small groups - Training Need Analysis

Training - Training small groups - Training outcomes
Training - Training small groups - Writing training outcomes
Training - Training small groups - The introduction to the training session
Training - Training small groups - Planning the body of your session
Training - Training small groups - Planning the conclusion to your session

Training - Training small groups - Session plans
Training - Training small groups - Demonstrating skills

Training - Training small groups - Presenting information
Training - Training small groups - Resources
Training - Training small groups - Effective communication

Training - Training small groups - Dealing with difficult learners
Mike Hitchen