In yet another case of British industry blaming everyone and everything for their own failure to meet challenges, cheap Chinese imports are being blamed for the loss of 15 jobs at a candle factory.
A spokeswoman for the company said the redundancies among mainly administrative staff were being made after "a really difficult year"for the imports side of the business.
Big retailers were increasingly sourcing direct from Chinese manufacturers, she said, hitting sales of their candle accessories including holders, oil burners, flowers rings and Christmas decorations.
Frankly, I am getting tired reading such excuses. It has been repeatedly proven that such challenges can actually raise performance. Challenges lead to new ideas, new marketing techniques, increased efficiency, heightened staff performance and training levels as companies are kicked into re-evaluating the way they operate.
Yet British industry seems content to sit on their butts and do nothing but whine and pass the blame, instead of taking a long hard look at themselves.